Who You Are Is As Important As Your Credentials

Sure, we're engineers, but we're also athletes, artists, world travelers, musicians, volunteers, parents and community members.


Aaron Lieberman, PE

Project Manager

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Aiko Hollinger

Marketing Specialist

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Alan Kiers

Staff Engineer

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Alyssa Dang

Staff Engineer

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Bart Blans PE, SE

Senior Project Manager

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Beth Morales PE

Project Manager

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Blaze Bresko PE, SE

Managing Principal

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Brett Mozden PE


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Brian Rittereiser PE, SE


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Chardie Byrne

Managing Principal - Operations

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Chris Potter PE, SE

Associate Principal

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Dan Say PE, SE

President / Managing Principal

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Dennis Nelson

BIM Manager

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Dennis Kuzubov

Project Engineer

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Elliot Holzhauer

Staff Engineer

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Francesca Renouard PE, SE

Associate Principal

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Frankie Galeotti

Project Engineer

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Gilbert Zapata III

Office Cooridinator

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Greg Coons PE

Principal and Technical Director

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Greg Juttner PE, SE

Associate Principal

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Heidi Maki

Associate Principal - Marketing & BD

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Holly Ashford, PE

Project Manager

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Howie Galeotti K9

Little Bud

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Jocelyn Tetreault PE

Project Manager

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Joe McCoy

Staff Engineer

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Josie Byrne K9

Lazy Dog

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Karina Bovee

Staff Engineer

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Karl Rosman PE

Associate Principal

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Kellen Bresko

CAD Technician

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Lan Nguyen

Staff Engineer

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Laura Nettesheim PE

Project Engineer

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Lindsey Woods

Accounting Assistant

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Lori DeBoer PE, SE, Associate DBIA

Associate Principal

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Luna Blans K9

New Dog

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Macky Hamilton

Staff Engineer

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Mat Johnson PE, SE, LEED AP

Senior Project Manager

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Mitchell Borseth

Project Engineer

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Nathan Darden

Senior CAD Technician

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Nicole Sonken PE

Project Engineer

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Pete Krebs PE, SE

Associate Principal

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Randy James

Drafting Manager

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Robert Henry PE, SE

Senior Project Manager

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Ryan Reichman PE, SE

Managing Principal

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Scott Brown

Senior CAD Technician

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Sean Johnson PE, SE

Senior Project Manager and Technical Lead

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Sean King

Associate Principal / IT Manager

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Sebastian Quintana

Staff Engineer

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Stephen Kern

Senior CAD Technician

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Sunny Sidhu PE

Project Engineer

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Tim Mealy PE, SE

Senior Project Manager

bio >

Why do our clients choose to work with us?  "We tend to say yes more than we say no, and we don’t always act like typical engineers."


Dan Say, Principal

What makes SSF different from other engineers? "SSF tends to have a “can do” attitude and we are quick to respond when contacted."  Why were you drawn to join the SSF team?  "I was recommended by another employee. I was immediately attracted to what I perceived to be a well-run company with competent leadership. Luckily this perception proved to be true!"

Sean Johnson, SSF Team

"I think clients like the fact that we have both talent and personality. We’re a smart group of individuals with varying interests, tons of character and stories to tell.  We’re engaging, not stuffy."

Chardie Byrne, Principal

"Here's a quote I saw recently. 'God made structural engineers so architects can have heroes too.' "

Tony Williamson, SSF Team

"SSF is equitable and truly values the happiness of their employees.  This is evident in the retention rate…people that work here stay here!  We get great bonuses, time and a half for overtime, 401k contributions and pay nothing for health care."

Brian Rittereiser, Principal

"It is rare to find a company that doesn’t pigeon-hole employees into a certain project type for the sake of 'efficiency'.  SSF promotes diverse work experiences to help employees grow in their careers."

Zane Kanyer, Principal

Why do our clients choose to work with us? "We have a large range of project types that we work with regularly, and we are flexible when it comes to working out the specific needs of each client."

Chris Potter, Associate Principal

"I get paid to do what I love to do, what I believe I have been made to do, for my friends and with my friends.  If that isn’t motivation, I don’t know what is!"

Ryan Reichman, Principal

"I like working here because of the great people, great leadership, fun projects, project variety, Tacoma location…great atmosphere. I keep working here for the same reasons. SSF's casual corporate vibe results in very productive, innovative and timely projects."

Tony Williamson, SSF Team

"SSF Engineers all work on a variety of wood, steel, masonry and concrete projects.  It is pretty special to get that kind of breadth of experience."

Brian Rittereiser, Principal

"SSF Engineers have a high level of responsibility on projects and are empowered to make important decisions and come up with creative solutions. We are not just plugging and chugging through calculations we’ve done 100 times."

Brian Rittereiser, Principal

"I like working here because I have the freedom to explore my ideas. I came here because the opportunities for growth are unparalleled, and the atmosphere is relaxed and welcoming. I stay here because my coworkers are awesome, you can’t beat the perks and there’s a constant effort by SSF leadership to make things even better. Shareholders wholeheartedly support my volunteer efforts – and I get volunteer PTO!"

Sean King, Associate Principal

Why do you choose to work at SSF? "Working at SSF is great because of the attentive mentorship, casual work environment, and variety of projects I work on every day. SSF has provided me with the tools and guidance to grow as a young structural engineer ten times over since my first day."

Mitchell Borseth, SSF Team

"We challenge our staff to push their own limits as much as they can."

Gary Swenson, Retired Principal

Why do you choose to work at SSF? "We get to work on a wide range of interesting and meaningful projects with fantastic coworkers and clients. At SSF you're provided support and encouragement to grow in your career in a way that is most suited to you and your specific interests and passions."

Francesca Renouard, SSF Team

"I’m given the autonomy to do what I was hired to do: be an engineer and work with great colleagues and clients!"

Robert Henry, SSF Team

Why were you drawn to join the SSF Team and why do our clients choose to work with us?  "SSF works on interesting and diverse projects, and values and invests in the employees. I wanted to be a part of that. For our clients, SSF brings creative solutions and a willingness to think outside-the-box to achieve project goals."

Beth Brown, SSF Team

"When I was in grad school, I had a few classes with an SSF employee. He and I had similar personalities and he thought I would be a good fit. I love the work and the opportunity to design almost every project type you could imagine, from residential to retrofits to climbing gyms. I've been here since 2004 and am fortunate enough to be a shareholder. I think he was right!"

Zane Kanyer, Principal

"We allow people to be themselves.  I’m proud of the people we have and the work that we do every day."

Chardie Byrne, Principal

"SSF hits it out-of-the-park with communication and creative design. For all projects, we provide a personal commitment and a fun, collaborative experience."

Blaze Bresko, Principal

"Alternate Transportation Supported!  SSF has bike racks and a shower for bicycle commuters!"

Dan Morrow, Retired Principal

"I appreciate the company's community involvement, not only through our radio sponsorships with KUOW and KEXP, but our commitment to AIA, Design In Public, Washington Trust for Historic Preservation, Historic Seattle, SMPS Seattle, Food Lifeline, The BLOCK Project, and more!"

Heidi Maki, Associate Principal

Why do you choose to work at SSF? "Flexibility, Flexibility, Flexibility! Also, a great group of engineers."

Dennis Nelson, SSF Team

"At SSF, the entire team is valued, from support staff, to IT and CAD, to technical staff. We provide a fun and relaxed atmosphere in which to excel. And most importantly ... who wouldn’t like a dog-friendly office?"

Heidi Maki, Associate Principal

“I love getting up in the morning to go to a place where I love the people I work with. I am fascinated with the young, smart minds that work here and feel that I learn as much from them as they learn from me; and at the same time privileged to work with those that have been with us for many years. I have often heard that we 'don’t seem like engineers,' well that is just fine with me.  We are 'engineers-for-the-people' - we can work with anyone.”

Dan Say, Principal

What makes SSF different from other engineers?  "The variety of design philosophies, our appreciation for aesthetics, a building’s historical significance, and its impact on the community."

Scott Brown, SSF Team

Why were you drawn to join the SSF team, and why do our clients choose to work with us?  "SSF is a leader in local historic preservation AND we genuinely care about the communities where we work.  From a client's perspective, we approach each project with an appreciation for what makes it unique.  We don’t rely on “one size fits all” type solutions."

Francesca Renouard, SSF Team

Why do you choose to work at SSF? "I love working at SSF! We get to work on interesting projects, my coworkers are fantastic, and I feel valued and supported as an employee. We do have great benefits, which is awesome, but it's the culture and work environment that have kept me here since 2013."

Beth Brown, SSF Team

What drew you to work at SSF, and why do our clients choose to work with us?  "The SSF team is made up of genuine people who value aesthetics. We communicate well with our clients and work hard to find solutions to support their design - within the limits of Newtonian physics!"

Robert Henry, SSF Team

Why do you choose to work at SSF? "My desire was to be a part of a team that worked on cool projects, valued life outside of work, and had a happy and healthy work environment. I found just that (and more) with SSF!"

Dennis Kuzubov, SSF Team

"I look forward to going to SSF every morning. Our efforts are targeted toward producing the best work product possible for our clients. To do that, we focus on creating a work environment that fosters creativity and happiness among employees. That may mean wearing shorts and a t-shirt to work or bringing your dog. Being as comfortable and happy as we can be allows us to produce the best work possible. I believe this shows in our product."

Brett Mozden, Principal

What drew you to work at SSF, and why do you think our clients like to work with us? "I enjoy SSF's casual work environment, extra-large work spaces and the opportunity to work very independently. I think clients like to work with us because of our quick response time."

Bart Blans, SSF Team

What makes SSF different from other engineers? "SSF is more concerned with keeping clients (and employees) happy than trying to make a quick buck. We push for quality in every job we do."

Chris Potter, Associate Principal