Dan Morrow

Tukwila FS #51 wins FIERO Award

Weinstein A+U’s Tukwila Fire Station 51 has received national recognition at the 2023 FIERO Fire Station Design Awards.


Kiwanis Methow Park

The new 874-square-foot kiosko is intended to anchor the park.


Tukwila Fire Station 51

This is the first of two new fire stations being built under a 2016 bond measure to improve public safety infrastructure.


Arcadia House

Arcadia has 15 beds of transitional housing and a 12-bed emergency shelter.


Port Angeles Arts and Events Center

Field Arts and Events Hall will redefine the city’s waterfront and spur economic development.


ULI Award - Plaza Roberto Maestas

The institute recognized Plaza Roberto Maestas for using best practices in affordable housing development.