The BLOCK Project invites community into the task of ending homelessness by placing a BLOCK Home in the backyard of one single-family lot on every residentially-zoned block within the City of Seattle. Each 125 sq ft home is beautifully designed to be off-grid, self-sufficient, and amenity-rich (featuring a kitchen, bathroom, sleeping area, solar-panels, greywater system, composting toilet, etc.). The BLOCK Project represents an innovative leap forward on the issues of homelessness, cross-class integration, social inclusion, and architectural design.
SSF is pleased to be involved in the prototype design that has been approved by the City of Seattle’s Planning Department as well as the construction of the first BLOCK home.
More information may be found at The BLOCK Project and Facing Homelessness.
Would You Put a Tiny House for a Homeless Person in Your Backyard? YES Magazine Article
Thanks to Rex Hohlbein for including SSF on this endeavor!
Seattle’s BLOCK Project is expanding
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