Dan Say – AIA Seattle Honorary Member

Dan Say has practiced Structural Engineering since 1981. In 1995, Gary Swenson, Dan Say and Paul Faget started Swenson Say Faget to provide outstanding structural engineering solutions for commercial, public, historic, educational, faith-based, medicinal and residential projects throughout the Northwest. A true collaborator, Dan has worked with a wide range of AIA Seattle members, marrying his expertise with a deep appreciation of architecture and design. In addition to being a full-time engineer, Dan has developed deep ties in our community. He is an active member of AIA Seattle, and served on its Board of Directors for 4 years, Dan currently sits on the Board of Design In Public, a strategic initiative of AIA Seattle. Dan’s enthusiasm for projects and his love of people combine to make him an outstanding member of our A/E/C community.


Garden House Renovation / / 11.22.23

The Garden House has been a fixture of Beacon Hill since 1886.

Green Lake Library Upgrades / / 05.31.22

The historically landmarked Green Lake Branch of the Seattle Public Library is set for a seismic upgrade and renovations.

Nitze-Stagen fine-tunes plan for SLU / / 05.11.20

Nitze-Stagen hasn’t announced a start date or leasing brokers for the six-story project, which includes a renovation and addition.