Bridges@11th designed to make residents and environment healthier

Bridges@11th, a new apartment complex in the University District, has
earned LEED silver certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.

Security Properties developed the project at 4557 11th Ave. N.E. It was
completed in August.

GGLO was the architect and landscape architect. The team also included Bumgardner Architects, interior designer; Walsh Construction Co., general contractor; and Swenson Say Faget, structural engineer.

Bridges has three buildings — eight, seven and five stories — connected by passageways and skybridges.

There are 82 studio and open-onebedroom units; 24 one-bedrooms; 12 loft one-bedrooms; 58 two-bedrooms; and eight three-bedrooms.

The complex also has 1,300 square feet of retail as well as community spaces and 125 parking stalls.

A rooftop deck is on one building and a pedestrian-oriented street called a woonerf separates two buildings.

Landscaping uses native, adaptive and drought-tolerant plants to help keep potential pollutants from storm drains.

GGLO said the skybridges allow access to the rooftop deck. One building would have needed a second internal stairway if it didn’t have a skybridge.

Bridges@11th was used as a case study by the Center for Active Design in New York for its innovative approach to improving the health of residents, GGLO said.

The University of Washington owns the land, and arranged a long-term lease with Security Properties to develop the site in a joint venture with a capital partner.

Employees from the UW and Seattle Children’s get priority in renting the units. The goal is to help replace housing that was removed for an expansion at Seattle Children’s.



Derek Reeves


New Hilltop Mixed-use Project / / 04.08.17

A $40 million development will bring 247 market-rate apartments and almost 17,000 square feet of retail space to the block of South 11th Street between Martin Luther King Jr. Way and South J Street in Tacoma’s Hilltop.

400 Roy Street Apartments / / 04.18.17

A representative from Plus said the firm hopes to break ground in early 2018, following demolition work this summer.

Plaza Roberto Maestas Opens / / 10.24.16

The two-building complex provides housing for families earning 30 to 60 percent of area median income, or $24,000-$49,000 a year.