Cape Flattery Lighthouse Study

Cape Flattery Lighthouse Study

Tatoosh Island, WA

The Cape Flattery Lighthouse is located at the most northwesterly point of the lower 48 states. Cardinal Architecture and SSF were hired by the National Trust for Historic Preservation to assess structural integrity of the lighthouse and associated out building.

Originally constructed in 1857, the Cape Flattery Lighthouse was one of the first U.S. navigational stations built on the West Coast. It was used until 1976 when the lighthouse functions were automated. The National Trust and the Makah Tribe are working with the United States Coast Guard, who have responsibility over the Lighthouse’s condition, to fully assess its repair needs, develop a preservation plan, and comply with the National Historic Preservation Act.

SSF prepared a memorandum for emergency repairs, and a full building assessment of the lighthouse and outbuilding. Due to water damage and lack of heating and maintenance, both buildings are in need of extensive structural and building envelope repairs.  If the water infiltration continues, the buildings will rapidly deteriorate further. The Coast Guard has received the evaluations and recommendations and is currently pursuing funding for the project.

Trust for Historic Preservation Post



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